

Year 6: Hartlake
Welcome to Year 6 - Hartlake Class! 
Miss Sampson 
We're going to have a fantastic final year at primary school. 
On this page you will find lots of information about the year ahead and some resources which you will find useful. 
Miss Sampson is the class teacher 
On Tuesday mornings, Miss Sampson is out of class and 
Mrs Clarke will be teaching PSHE and RE 
Mrs Smith will be teaching French and SPaG
PE lessons are on Tuesday afternoons. 
It is important that your PE kit is in school from Monday - Friday every week in case there is a timetable change and for our move a mile sessions.
Swimming lessons are on Friday mornings. 
Below you can find the PE kit list and the swimming kit list. 
Each week, we will learn a new spelling rule and your spelling list will be based on this. There will be a spelling test each Friday. 
Your spelling list will be sent home at the start of each term, you can practise these in lots of different ways (have a look at the activities below) you can use Spelling Shed to help you.
You can use Maths Shed and Times Table Rockstars to help you practise your times tables and number facts. It is really important that you are confident with these.  
Homework is set every Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. 
This will consist of one piece of English and one piece of maths. 
Remember: if you are finding your homework tricky bring it into school and ask us for help! 
Reading is such an important skill which will help you in every subject in school. 
You should read for at least 10 minutes each night. 
Find a book you enjoy, a cosy spot and lose yourself in a story or a fact book! 
We love to hear what you are reading; particularly any recommendations you have for our class! 
Below is a list of 100 books to read before you leave year 6 - have a look and see how many you can tick off already - it will also give you some ideas for books you could read! 
We have loads of books in school for you to borrow and ask for any recommendations if you can't choose one!  
Useful documents: 
On this page there are some useful documents that you can use to help you this year: 
Year 3& 4 Spelling list 
Year 5&6 Spelling list 
SPAG definitions and examples 
Word classes definitions and examples
Times Tables