
Every day is an open day at St Nicholas School


If you would like to visit and enquire about a place for your child, please contact the school office on 01761 432101 to make an appointment.


 The school year starts in September. It is recommended that, whenever possible, parents apply for a place for their child within the standard timescale, making St Nicholas Church School their first choice, in order to optimise their chances of getting a place for their child. 


Parents are of course welcome to apply for a place at other points in the school year; for example, if the family is moving into the area. In that case, it is recommended that parents enquire at the school and not the Local Authority about any places that may be available.

In Year Admissions Application
St Nicholas Church School is part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust and as such, all in year admissions are managed by the school.  If you wish to apply for a school place in year, please download the link below or visit the BANES website.
Applying for a Reception Place at St Nicholas Church School
If you wish to apply for a place for Reception 2023-2024, please click on the link below to view the BWMAT BANES admissions documents and policies.
Admission Appeals Timetable
Please find below the admission appeals timetable for 2022/23.