Helping Your Child At Home

All children in St Nicholas are set homework appropriate to their ability and school year and we expect all pupils to complete their homework and to hand it in on time. Children failing to complete homework are expected to attend homework club on a Wednesday but often have to attend Thursday and Friday to complete the work set each week.


Our homework expectations are detailed below:

  • All pupils are expected to read each night, learn their spellings and number bonds or times-tables. (at least  5 times per week)
  • Pupils in years 5 and 6 will have up to 45 minutes homework each week, this will include preparation reading and preparation work for lessons the next day, revision and individual tasks.
  • Presentation should match what is expected in school.
  • Homework should be written in pencil – pupils who write in pen will be asked to re-do it
  • If you have any problems with homework you should speak to your child’s class teacher before the homework deadline.