

Year 3: Avon
Welcome to Avon Class :) 
Teacher: Mrs Hinkley
PE Kits - Basketball on Wednesday; PE on Friday. On Wednesdays pupils will come home in their PE kit.
Water Bottles - Please make sure you have a water bottle in class every morning, take home to be washed each night
Communication books -  Please check communication books every evening for messages between class teachers and parents/ carers
Reading records -  Please read your books every evening and write this down in your reading records to be checked in the mornings
Spellings are handed out every Friday. These are stuck into homework books to be learnt over the coming week. The following Friday there will be a spelling test. As well as practising these spellings at home, we have regular spelling lessons in school when we will look at spelling patterns with these words and have the chance to look for patterns.
Every week, times table homework is set on Times Table Rockstars. Usernames and passwords are stuck into Homework Books.