
Welcome to Cam Class 2024-2025
The Early Years Team:
 Mrs Warde (class teacher)
Mrs Kirkwood (class teacher Wednesdays)
Mrs Harris (TA)
Mrs Clifford (TA)
Mrs Mason (TA)
Miss Fletcher (TA)
The phonics scheme that we use is Little Wandle,
please see the website link below. You will find lots of information, including the order of sounds taught, how to pronounce each letter sound and how the grapheme is formed. Please come and see a member of our team if you have any questions regarding phonics.
Useful information
P.E Kits: please ensure all items are named. Kits usually remain in school for the term but please feel free to take them at the end of a week if you wish.
Wellies: You are welcome to leave a named pair of boots in school to use in wet weather.
Water bottles: To be brought in to school every day. Water only please.
Reading records: Please sign/comment daily to show that your child has read.
Reading books: These will be changed 1 x weekly, after your child has had 3 reading practise sessions with an adult.
Homework: Please read your child's reading book every day and look out for weekly phonic handouts with information about what your child has been learning in class.